Phil Robertson: 10 lies the devil is using to ‘destroy’ America By Samuel Smith, CP Reporter for Christian Post
“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has come out with a new book that aims to “blow the lid off the lies that are destroying” America.
The conservative Christian reality TV star spoke with The Christian Post to talk about the book and how coming to Christ at age 28 helped him leave his sinful life in the past.
The 72-year-old patriarch of A&E’s hit reality series and the co-owner of the Duck Commander Company released his new title The Theft of America’s Soul on Tuesday.
The book purports to expose what he says are 10 essential deceptions and schemes being used by the devil to “steal, kill and destroy America’s soul.” The new book also shares what Robertson calls 10 counter-truths to those lies.

In the interview, Robertson explained that he was inspired to write the book after witnessing how prevalent issues of drug addiction and sexually transmitted diseases are in today’s American society.
Robertson said he fears that United States — as it backs away from its founding on “Judeo-Christian principles”— will one day dissolve because God could leave the country to wallow in its own wickedness.
“I hope America won’t be like the Roman Empire,” Robertson said as he proceeded to quote Romans 1:28: “Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, God gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not to be done.”
Robertson said the idea of the book is simple: to get people to embrace living a godly life and to get them to love God and love their neighbor.
“You go out and get a job and you work and you feed your family. You are the father and you have a mother and you raise your children and you teach them, correct them and rebuke and them and train them,” said Robertson after noting how millions of Americans are suffering from some type of drug addiction that has left them hopeless.
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